In my phd project (funded by DOC Fellowship of Austrian Academy of Sciences and Marietta Blau Fellowship) I investigate the use of geolocation media in the digital representation of places of remembrance in Europe. I am interested in places in Europe that were affected by Nazi terror and where forms of memory culture have been established today that differ in their national-historical context. Common to these places of remembrance is a centrally placed application of digital geomedia, for example in the form of digital maps, augmented reality apps, or digital audio trails. The dissertation examines how geomedia co-constitute real places or proximity-distance relations to place and how they are interwoven into different national and international discourses.
Read more on the subject in the anthology Erinnerungskultur und Holocaust Education im digitalen Wandel: Georeferenzierte Dokumentations-, Erinnerungs- und Vermittlungsprojekte, edited by Victoria Kumar, Gerald Lamprecht, Lukas Nievoll, Grit Oelschlegel, and Sebastian Stoff, 35–53. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024.