Steingeschichten is an audiowalk featuring mainly interviews I led, after researching about three central buildings in Linz, which were built under the nationalsocialist regime involving forced labour. The conversations link the buildings history with the present. The addressed topics are forced labour, questions of how to deal with buildings with nationalsocialist history, artistic interventions regarding these buildings, working conditions of migrants today, discrimination of various social groups now and then.
The Steingeschichten Project was developed further in the course of the year 2019. The result was presented in the course of an event in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik Oberösterreich. The Project was funded by the culture departments of the federal state of upper austria and the city of Linz, as well as by the Austrian future fund.
Photos of the Steingeschichten Presentation on 10th of November 2019, by Reinhard Winkler and Gfk: